Health Reforms

Health Reforms

Please read the scenario, the article and answer the questions. Provide a two page paper that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Subtitles addressing each question should be included in the body. Provide at least three references and in-text citations. Use APA format, Times Roman, 12 fonts, and double spaced.

By now most Americans know that change is coming in health care due to the President’s new plan. We have heard that it will allow more people access to care. However as full implementation draws near, we are now hearing that things aren’t going to go quite as planned. What does that mean for those organizations that will be providing that care?

This very topic is discussed in the article entitled:

Kellis, Dana S,M.D., F.A.C.H.E., Rumberger, Jill S,PhD., M.B.A., & Bartels, B., F.A.C.H.E. (2010). Healthcare reform and the hospital industry: What can we expect? Journal of Healthcare Management, 55(4), 283-96; discussion 296-7

After reading the article referenced above, please respond to the following questions.

1. Briefly summarize the article. What are the key points that the authors make about cost, quality, and reform?

2. Why do the authors believe that the current mixed model of government and competition have led to our current state of excess costs?

3. Identify and discuss the mechanisms to address cost and quality. Which one do you believe will be the most effective?

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