Health sciences and medicine

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia healthcare system
Compare the current US Health system with another country. Select a country in which you know someone so you can interview them about their personal experience.

Begin with a comparative analysis of descriptive measures such as health care expenditures, health status of the population, numbers of practicing physicians and the health care outcomes in that country compared to the US. For example, does the country spend more or less on health care? Are mortality or morbidity rates higher or lower? Is life expectancy higher or lower? Is the infant mortality rate higher or lower?

Next briefly describe the basic health care system in the country you have identified. Explain the governments role, how it is financed and the delivery system. Describe the consequences of the system. For example, how does it impact access to care and costs for the individual and the government. Briefly compare the issues of the country you are writing about to the US health care system and the mandates in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in the US.

Interview the individual that you have identified from the country. What are their perceptions of quality, cost and access to health care in the country? What do they perceive are the differences with the US system?

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