Hiring for Success (Management Decision Models) 2

At this point in the course (Management Desicision Models) you should be well armed with the tools and knowledge necessary to make better-informed and rational choices. Apply that knowledge as you tackle one of the most important, and yet heavily subjective, of management responsibilities—the hiring process.

Assume you have been tasked with redesigning your organization’s hiring processes. Respond to the following:

a) Select three of the six pitfalls listed below:

1. Influenced by initial impressions

2. Justifying past decisions

3. Seeing what you want to see

4. Perpetuating the status quo

5. Framing the hiring decision

6. Overconfidence

b) Examine how you might change the process to avoid your selected pitfalls.

Write your initial response in approximately 300–500 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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