

History 1301
( Text book: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!: An American History (Volume 1). Seagull 5th Edition. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2016. ISBN # 978-0-393-60342-2 )
Unit 3 Exam ( there are 3 parts) – MLA form
* Part 1 (20 points)Video and Response Essay (20 points)Watch the documentary New York: A Documentary Film (links below). You ONLY need to watch the specified times below (about 15 minutes total). I have also included 2 images (below the video links) for you to examine.
Part 1 Questions: Using the video, the images, and the textbook, write a short essay (minimum 200 words) answering the following questions:1. What do the videos reveal about living conditions in urban areas during the mid-1800s?2. Why did nativism become a powerful movement during the 1840s and 1850s? Who did it target, and why?3. What elements of the images below reflect nativist fears and negative stereotypes of immigrants? How do you think this imagery affected the way Americans thought about immigrants?
Part 1 Links:• VIDEO 1 – New York: A Documentary Film, Episode 2, part 3 – https://youtu.be/OIEagsM__as (watch from minute 4:35 to minute 7:44)• VIDEO 2 – New York: A Documentary Film, Episode 2, part 4 – https://youtu.be/zSjhrjKFg-I (watch all 9 minutes)• VIDEO 3 – New York: A Documentary Film, Episode 2, part 5 – https://youtu.be/xIPRLlQG-yI (watch from the beginning to minute 3:20)

Image 1 Image 2

* Part 2 (40 points)Essay (40 points)
For part 2 of the Unit 3 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapters 9 and 10 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.
Part 2 Essay Questions:
1 – Explain how improvements in transportation and communication made possible the rise of the West as a powerful, self-conscious region of the new nation. Discuss the internal borderlands within the West.
2 – Discuss the impact of the market revolution on women and African-Americans (both free and slave).
3 – Explain the shift from artisan to factory worker, and discuss the factory system. What were the advantages and disadvantages? Who was left out? Who benefited? What were some ways workers responded?
*Part 3 (40 points)Essay (40 points)

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For part 3 of the Unit 3 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapters 11 and 12 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.

Part 3 Essay Questions:

1 – Despite unimaginable hardships, slaves were able to maintain a sense of identity and a determination to attain freedom. Describe how slave culture aided those endeavors and drove slaves’ desire for freedom. Be sure to consider African heritage and slave family life, folklore, and religious life in your response.

2 – For the most part, white southerners defended the “peculiar institution” whether or not they had slaves, whether they were rich or poor, and whether they lived on large plantations or small farms. Why was this the case?

3 – Discuss the relationship between masters and slaves in the American South. Did masters have all the power in this relationship, or did the enslaved exert some power? Points to consider include paternalism, the size of slaveholdings, slavery and the law, forms of slave resistance, and labor organization (task and gang systems).

History 1301
( Text book: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!: An American History (Volume 1). Seagull 5th Edition. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2016. ISBN # 978-0-393-60342-2 )
Unit 3 Exam ( there are 3 parts) ( MLA form)
Part 1 (20 points)Video and Response Essay (20 points)
Watch the documentary Voices of the Civil War, Episode 18: “New York Draft Riot” (link below) and read the article, “Great Hanging at Gainesville” (link below). I have also included a clip from the the film Gangs of New York (2002) for dramatic effect, but it is not required.
Part 1 Questions: Using the video, the article, and the textbook, compare these two events in a short essay (minimum 200 words) and answer the following questions:
1. How did each event reflect discontent with the war on the Union and Confederate home fronts? 2. How did racial and ethnic tensions, including the issue of slavery, affect each event?3. How did each side’s Conscription Acts exacerbate this discontent?
Part 1 Links:• VIDEO – Voices of the Civil War, Episode 18: “New York Draft Riots” – https://youtu.be/mKoM22MvDwM
• ARTICLE – “Great Hanging at Gainesville” – https://tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/jig01• FILM (OPTIONAL) – Gangs of New York (2002), clip from the final scene [Warning: graphic violence and language] – https://youtu.be/TKJ_OOKQVrU
Part 2 (40 points)Essay (40 points)
For part 2 of the Unit 4 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapters 13 and part of chapter 14 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.
Part 2 Essay Questions:
1 – Did morality or economics dominate the debates over slavery in the 1850s? Explain the various arguments made for and against the expansion of slavery. Who, if anyone, was arguing for abolition?
2 – Many Americans and immigrants from other lands believed California presented a magnificent opportunity for economic freedom once gold was discovered. However, the boundaries of freedom were tightly drawn in California. Explain the expansions and limitations of freedom there.3 – Thinking back to previous chapters, fully explain how the forces of the market revolution heightened the tension between freedom and slavery.
Part 3 (40 points)Essay (40 points)
For part 3 of the Unit 4 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers part of chapter 14 and all of chapter 15 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.
Part 3 Essay Questions:
1 – What strategy did General Grant ultimately adopt to achieve victory for the Union, and why did he do so? Why was his strategy criticized?
2 – Using Lincoln’s speech at Sanitary Fair in 1864 (excerpted in “Voices of Freedom”), explain how Lincoln defined liberty. How does this speech reflect a change in his thinking from 1861? Why do you think Lincoln had to change his thinking to achieve victory in this war?
3 – Black Americans eagerly signed up for service in the army and navy after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued. Describe the life of a black soldier. How did it differ from the experiences of black sailors? Overall, how important were black servicemen in the outcome of the war? Finally, discuss what fighting in the war meant to these men.

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