
Essay questions. Choose and answer 3 questions from those listed below in essay format. Be specific and precise. Give details. Write one page for each question and make sure all the key points are labeled out for each one.

1. Examine how and why the United States involved itself in World War I and discuss the importance of WIlson’s Fourteen Points speech.

2. Discuss how World War I and the U.S failure to join the league of Nations sowed the seeds of future 20th Century wars?

3. Examine the era of the Roaring Twenties (1920s) in America. Discuss the transformations that were taking place in America during that era.

4. What were the major policy initiatives of the New Deal in the Hundred Days? (Hint: Emergency Banking Act, National Recovery Act, Economy Act). Examine and discuss the importance of these initiatives and their impact for American society.

5. Discuss and analyze the Second New Deal and it’s role it played on American society. (Hint: Works Progress Administration, Wagner Act). Include a discussion on the American welfare state system and whether or not it was effective.

6. Examine how regional planning, for projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Columbia River Project, reflected broader changes in American life during the New Deal.

7. Examine the role plated by the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan in Post-World War II Europe and Asia. Include a discussion on how it helped the United States increase its influence around the world.

8. How did World War II help spark the Civil Rights Movement. In this analysis include a discussion about the “Four Freedoms” and examine how a war fought to bring essential human freedoms to the world had failed to protect the home front liberties of Blacks, Indians, Japanese Americans and Mexican Americans.

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