history of drag racing

Reflection of “Slingshot”
This 30 minute video is available to students through the blackboard management system. This video documents a major

economic shift in drag racing from participant to spectator.

As with any reflection, this is not a summary or book report of the video, but rather how you interpret the video.
The reader of your essay should clearly be able to tell that you have viewed the video.
A reflection is a way of expressing how what you experience (the video) assimilates with your current/previous

Please see the folder on “How to write a Reflection” for more help.
The essay should be more than 600 words
Citations, abstracts, or a particular writing style format are not required for this assignment.
Use the turnitin link at the bottom of this page to submit your work.

The Link is a 30 minute video about the history of drag racing.

The actual link is http://statevids.indstate.edu/Play/8537

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