History, race, and the effects of colonialism.

Discuss how Samson and Delilah (Warwick Thornton: 2009: Australia: 101 mins) and Orlando (Sally Potter: 1992: UK: 94 mins)

negotiate issues around history, race, and the effects of colonialism.

Those 3 sources below are included of the 9 must be used +6 others (academic sources)

◾Anneke Smelik, “What meets the eye: An Overview of Feminist Film Theory,” from her And the Mirror Cracked: Feminist

Cinema and Film Theory (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1998): 7-28.
◾Anne Ciecko, “Transgender, Transgenre, and the Transnational: Sally Potter’s Orlando,” The Velvet Light Trap 41 (1998):

◾“Reclaiming the Wasteland: Samson and Delilah and the Historical Perception and Construction of Indigenous Knowledges in

Australian Cinema,” M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture 13:4

There are three sets of criteria that are assessed in essays: reading and research; argument and analysis; and writing and

structure. Within each of these sets, markers are looking for the following:

Reading and research:
– evidence of critical engagement with set course materials
– evidence of independent reading of appropriate academic material
– evidence of thorough research (books & academic journals – not random websites and wikipedia entries)

Argument and analysis:
There are three sets of criteria that are assessed in essays: reading and research; argument and analysis; and writing and

structure. Within each of these sets, markers are looking for the following:
Reading and research:
– evidence of critical engagement with set course materials
– evidence of independent reading of appropriate academic material
– evidence of thorough research (books & academic journals – not random websites and wikipedia entries)

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Argument and analysis:
– well-articulated and well supported argument
– evidence of critical thinking (through taking a position in relation to key ideas from the course, and supporting this

– evidence of relational thinking (through making connections between key ideas from the course and wider literature, and

supporting these connections)

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