How AT&T has adapted and changed in the last few years due to increase in competition and a shift in consumer demand from wired to wireless service.

How AT&T has adapted and changed in the last few years due to increase in competition and a shift in consumer demand from wired to wireless service.

For this assignment, you will research a private corporation (AT&T wireline services) using a variety of sources in popular media as well as empirical and theoretical research to inform your work. (Please do not use Wikipedia!) You will pick one private corporation and one issue encountered by this company.
The objective of this assignment is to apply sociological concepts to social issues, examine how corporations shape popular culture, and understand the interaction between corporations and their environment.

In your paper, be sure to include the following:

? Corporation and main issue (focus of your paper)
? Background of the corporation. What services/products do they offer?
? What are the appropriate laws/regulations governing this issue?
? Who are the main stakeholders? What are their interests? Please include all relevant stakeholders.(consumers, shareholders, employees)
? Does the company engage in any social responsibility initiatives? If so, what are they and how have they impacted society?
? What sociological theories or concepts can you apply to better understand this issue in society? What are the underlying values or judgments conveyed? How has the company shaped popular culture?

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