HR – Recruitment

HR – Recruitment

You are to write an essay addressing the following statement:
This assignment requires you to consider that you are a HR manager of a small-to-medium sized (100 employees) Australian-based engineering consultancy that specialises in a range of different types of engineering. Following a board meeting, the chairman suggests that the calibre of engineers required are not being recruited and selected.
The current recruitment and selection process involves the engineering manager writing an advertisement based on a previous job description and what they think a suitable candidate should encompass, the advertisement is then uploaded onto the job advertisement website, the HR assistant checks all applications for minimum qualifications and forwards a short list to the engineering manager, the manager then conducts unstructured interviews with the potential employees and selects based on the interviews. You are asked to prepare a research-based essay on what might be some issues associated with recruitment and selection in this organisation. You are also asked to include in the essay, a suitable approach (recommendations) to improve recruitment and selection (note: all approaches should be developed from current research).
You must use at least FIVE refereed journal articles to support your arguments.
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