Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)

Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a serious disease that affects millions of

people all around the world. People who are infected with HIV need care and support from their friends, families, and the

community, especially when they are ill. People with HIV/AIDS can live healthy lives for longer if proper care and

support is provided. They can cope much better if they are happy and feel productive.

In the exploration of these concepts, respond to the following:
•You are seeing a patient who has recurring symptoms of endometriosis. She is interested in reviewing her options for

family planning advice. She is six weeks postpartum and has not started a birth control method since delivery. What would

be in your plan of care? What would you advise her regarding family planning methods?
•A patient presents to you with a complaint of perineal itching. What are your differential diagnoses, and how would you

go about determining the diagnosis? You might want to create a table to which you can refer. Cite sources. What would you

consider to be your best source of up-to-date information? Have you ever called the CDC for information? What would you

discuss regarding partner management?
•Your patient comes in stating that she “always gets yeast infections” and that she has one again. You verify this

diagnosis with a wet mount that supports your inspection and speculum exam. How would you approach management? What

differential diagnosis as to the etiology would you include? What additional testing would you consider?
•Your patient presents complaining of “a swollen lump down there.” What would your initial differential diagnoses

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include? What parts of your physical assessment would help with your diagnoses? What labs would be indicated? For each

possible diagnosis (related directly to this primary symptom), what would be your treatment plan? If you needed to wait

for lab results, what measures might be taken immediately, until diagnoses are confirmed?

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