Human Resouces: Recruiting, Selection, Training and Development

Describe the laws related to recruiting by which the organization must abide.
Describe the company’s recruiting methods.
Does it appear that this organization is hiring? Based on the information you are able to gather through your research, what are some assumptions you can make about the labor needs of this company?
Briefly describe recruiting sources, both internal and external to the organization.
Examine the selection process used, including testing, background checks, drug screening, interviews, and so forth.
Briefly describe elements (for example, compensation, geographic location, and size) of the organization that would make it more or less desirable as an employer.
Training and Development
What are the steps you believe this organization would take to identify their training needs based on our discussion of training-needs analysis?
Briefly describe training methods used within the organization.
Briefly describe ho

w this company should measure the effectiveness of its training programs.
Briefly describe the organization’s use of both internal and external resources to assist with training.
Briefly describe training programs used for employee orientation, diversity, and harassment prevention.
Describe how this company should measure the organization’s ability to attract and retain talent.
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