Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management
You will prepare an individual paper in which you are going to devise your own career self-assessment and development plan. The aim of this paper is for you to discover what would be a rewarding future career for you in light of your interests, values, and abilities ( I chose Hospitality as a future Career).

More specifically, you will address and consider the following items:

1) Assess yourself and your skills – discover your interests, passions, values and personality. For example, try to answer the question “What would you do for work, if money was of no concern?” Then consider your skills and abilities, including an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can supplement yourself with additional training, education, certification, and experience.

2) Research the industries you’re interested in – find out what’s going on in the industry you find appealing. You may want to answer questions like “is the industry growing, what are potential future opportunities for me, how does the industry fit my skills, interests and strengths” etc. You can use various internet and library sources, government websites and statistics.

3) Research the occupations you’re interested in – talk to people who are already involved in these occupations and get a feel of how it is to be what you want to be. You may want to find answers to questions like “what are the pros and cons of doing this occupation, would I enjoy this occupation and why, would this occupation offer what I’m looking for, how does the occupation fit my skills, interests and strengths” etc.

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4) Identify satisfaction attributes – explore traditional and non-traditional ways in which people feel satisfied doing their work. Examples may include pay, monetary and non-monetary rewards, flexibility, sense of serving a cause, networking opportunities, sense of agency, meaningfulness, love of job, work/life balance, etc. Furthermore, try to discover alternative career paths that may be opened up for you through this work.

5) Elaborate on three specific action steps you will need to initiate today or in the near future to realize your career goals.

6) Discuss three potential barriers that might prevent you from reaching your goals, and your strategies to overcome the barriers.

7) If you already work in a business, discuss possible promotional opportunities that your work may offer for career growth and how they relate to your future goal.


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