Implications of Ethical Decision Making Paper

Implications of Ethical Decision Making Paper

Review the assignment details for this week’s paper below
Topic: Implications of Ethical Decision Making Paper
Do a little research on plagiarism, copyright, or fair use as it relates to the internet. How does the information you uncover bear upon your own work and the challenge of reporting your own or another’s unethical behavior? What happens to one’s “personal brand” when one chooses to take an unethical approach to written work or a presentation if one is caught or not?
o Clearly declare a stance in introductory paragraph (unethical use of work is acceptable or is unacceptable)
o Two full pages are required
o Cover page and reference page required
o APA formatting is required
• Two pieces of support from the week’s material are required This week reading material are:

TPurtilo, R. B. & Doherty, R. F. (2011). Ethical dimensions in the health professions (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. — Chapters 6-8 (pp. 113-175)

Colleges and universities have guidelines for promoting academic integrity among their students. Violations of these guidelines often mean serious consequences. Review the Hondros Student Catalog section on Student Rights and Responsibilities pp. 16-20.

Supporting your work:
Use at least two pieces of information from this week’s assigned material to support your work. You have an option to supplement your work with additional material if needed, which must be from scholarly sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles, books, etc.). Wikipedia is not a credible source.
All direct quotations and information taken from your sources must be credited using APA Style®.
Documents to help you:
You should review the grading rubric for this assignment
Criterion Above Average (5 points) 4 Points Average (3 points) 2 Points Below Average (0-1 points) Weight
Intro/Thesis First paragraph clearly identifies the topic, thesis, approximate structure of the paper and previews main points. Does not meet above average standards, but exceeds average. First or second paragraph identifies the topic, thesis, and approximate structure of the paper. Does not meet average standards, but exceeds below average. Paper does not identify the paper’s topic, or thesis, or structure of paper.
Organization Paper follows plan from intro and is clear and easy to follow; meets or exceeds length requirements Paper follows a somewhat coherent plan, has a somewhat coherent structure, and is somewhat difficult to follow. Paper does not follow a coherent plan, lacks structure, or is NOT THE PROPER LENGTH. 10%
Contains no unclear sentences
Is readable, engaging, scholarly
Has no grammatical mistakes
No more than 1 minor ambiguity per page
Has a scholarly but dry tone
No more than 1 minor grammatical error per page
More than 1 ambiguity per page
Non-scholarly tone
More than 1 grammatical error per page 10%
Support/APA format Clearly identifies textual support with a minimum of 2 citations. Follows APA format structure with title and reference page.
No more than 1 serious failure to identify textual support properly; less than 2 citations; improper citations or references; minor APA formatting issues Does not contain textual support. Does not follow APA citation guidelines; does not follow APA guidelines for formatting 15%
Analysis/Originality Clearly states which arguments are stronger and why; makes clear connection between thesis and support; thorough support of thesis; originality percentage is within guidelines Incomplete or unclear explanations of which arguments are stronger and why; unclear connection between support and thesis; insufficient support of thesis; originality percentage exceeds limit No attempt to explain which arguments are stronger or why; no connection between support and thesis; off topic; originality percentage exceeds limit-paper cannot be graded as student’s work 35%
Conclusion Last paragraph clearly states the thesis and gives a brief summary; complete and logical end to paper Summarizes the paper content and provides closure to the paper or restates thesis No summary of content; no thesis; abrupt end to the paper 15%

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