Influences within public programs

Influences within public programs

Choose a public safety or security program at the local, state, or federal level that has undergone a significant budgetary change, and have your instructor approve your choice.
Prepare a paper, about how the political process and changing public policy at the federal, state, and municipal levels, influence budgeting.

Provide details on how the change came about and its impact on the resulting program. Include the following in your paper:

Identify political, economic, social, cultural, and technological influences that caused the change in the budget.
Identify the interaction among the federal, state, and municipal levels with regard to your program.
Specify the limits of the agency budget office and how they may try to compensate for those limits.
What strategies might agencies and politicians use to justify increasing or decreasing the budget for the program you selected.
Calculate present and project future costs.
List various cost control applications

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