International Marketing Plan

Going global requires investment and careful planning. Taking a creative service to a foreign country with different social and cultural norms is especially challenging.

Use Corpnet’s Web design service or any other creative service as an example. Select a foreign country where the service may find a market.

Explain the demand for the creative service in the foreign country.
Describe important economic, social, and cultural differences between the U.S. and the foreign country.
Describe the target market for the service in the foreign country.
Summarize information about media in the foreign country and determine the outlets to use.
Formulate the marketing message and give at least two examples of how it can be expressed and delivered.
Write a 4–5-page report in Word format. Use only this book as your reference:
Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2014). Marketing (4th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin

International Marketing
Corpnet considered a foreign operation when a small wireless business Internet and telephone
provider reached out to Corpnet and asked that they partner with them and help them expand
their service throughout Brazil.
Corpnet had multiple meetings with their potential Brazilian partner to evaluate the option of
expanding into that market, but ultimately determined that it was unrealistic for them for a number
of reasons, the following among them:

0 Infrastructure: Corpnet’s expertise was in landline telephone and Internet services.

0 Sales and service cultures: Corpnet’s sales and operations structure was determined not
to be a good model for the particular market.

0 Language: Corpnet did not have any speakers of Portuguese on their team and were
concerned that having to use a translator for every interaction would create a hardship in
moving the business forward.

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0 Political and economic issues: Taxes and tariffs on equipment and services created too
many obstacles to profitability as did an unfamiliar political and economic environment.

0 Multicultural awareness: The Corpnet leadership recognized that their unfamiliarity with
the mores and customs of Brazilian society would be a severe limitation in establishing
an effective brand, and deploying a brand strategy. In fact, they likened themselves to
Chevrolet and the Chevrolet Nova, which means “no go” in Spanish.
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