International Relations

INSTRUCTIONS: Answers must be between 75-200 words.
Topic 1 – What is IPE
1.    Why are the tensions between the state and the market necessary?
2.    Why is it important to approach IPE using the 4 levels of analysis?

Topic 2 – Managing the Global Economy      1.    Do you think the institutionalization of liberal trade policies through the KIEOs has ended the cycles of protectionism/free trade that we’ve seen throughout history?
2.    In what ways have the KIEOs had to evolve to remain relevant in today’s global economy?

Topic 3 – Realist Perspective
Find an outline an example of one economic policy/practice from any country that fits into the realist perspective of IPE. Don’t all choose the same country
Topic 4 – Liberal Perspective
Find and outline an example of one economic policy/practice from any country that fits into the liberal perspective of IPE. Once again, don’t all choose the same country.
Topic 5 – Critical Perspectives
1.    How do the critical perspectives enrich the study of IPE?
2.    What are the significant differences between the mainstream theories and the critical perspectives?

Topic 6 – International Monetary System
1.    Outline the political, economic, and institutional features of the gold standard, the fixed exchange rate, and the flexible exchange rate systems.
2.    What are some of the political and economic advantages and disadvantages of each system?

Topic 7 – International Trade
1.    Should NGOs and/or MNCs be given a role in WTO decision-making?
2.    What are some of the potential benefits or problems with doing this?
3.    How do nations use trade as a tool to achieve foreign policy objectives? Give specific examples.

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Topic 8 – Regional Trade      The widening and deepening of ties as a result of RTAs has increased economic gains, but in some cases intensified political pressures. Discuss the potential political problems associated with RTAs. Use examples.
Topic 9 – MNCs
1.    How would an international agreement on governance of FDI benefit MNCs? How would such an agreement benefit states? What prevents such an agreement from being realized?
2.    How have reactions to MNCs changed in the past half century? Why?
3.    Explain the changes currently underway in the pattern of FDI and in the organization of MNCs? What are some of the implications of these changes for IPE?

Topic 10 – Development
Is development possible? What factors shape the development process for LDCs; and how do these factors create tensions within and between LDCs, and between LDCs and DCs?
Topic 11 – Debt & Financial Crises
1.    Explain the role of the IMF and WB in resolving BOP crises. Do you feel that these institutions should/could do more? Discuss reasons why/why not?
2.    Think about the possible ways to alleviate recessions or end the financial crisis. What measures would you emphasize and why?

Topic 12 – Globalization Debate
Gilpin blames “technological changes, national policies and the triumph of conservative economic ideologies” for international income disparities instead of blaming globalization. How far do you agree/disagree with his idea?
Topic 13 – Food & Hunger
1.    Why do you think some developing countries experience severe food shortages and famine while others do not?
2.    What do you think are the most viable solution to ending global hunger?
Topic 14 – Environment
1.    What are the effects of inequality and consumption on global environmental conditions?
2.    Can global environmental problems be solved within the current international economic and political structure? If not, why?
Topic 15 – Illicit Global Economy
In what ways do you think illicit economic activities prevent or thwart the development of a state?

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