Internship report

Internship report
Project Overview: Students will prepare a written research report which will put into practice the knowledge gained from previous semester management principles. This theoretical knowledge will be used to identify situations/problems, critically review these operational situations and make recommendations of possible solutions to them. Current academic and trade literature will be used to add and justify arguments, find solutions and add overall validity to comments made.
Overall Aim: To evaluate students’ ability in problem solving, in critically reviewing real life work issues, and applying the theoretical skills acquired in core management courses, towards proposed well researched solutions.
Learning Outcomes (from the CRS):

1. Enhance knowledge of management principles learned.
2. Discuss and relate specific theories to the “real world” industry experience.
3. Identify and reflect on a suitable business “issue” observed or experienced in the internship
4. Propose recommendations for improvement of the ‘issue’ based on researched academic sources and trade literature.
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