Is it better to have one child or multiple children?

1. only children’s social skills are more developed than those of other children because they relate more to adults when

they are young.
Newman cited in Deveny (2008, par. 3,4) “Stereotypes that only-children…myths just don’t hold up.”
Sandler (2010, p. 2) “higher self esteem”

2. the parents of only children have more freedom because they have time for activities other than child-rearing.
Riley (2013, par. 5) “Sandler, an only child who….to have more of what they want.”
Meyers (2012, par. 2) “The fact that the parents of only children have more time…development in children.”

3. Conclusion
Having an only child is better than having more children because only children achieve higher marks in school, they

develop good relationships with other people, and their parents have more freedom to do more with their lives.

write 1700 words and write one body paragraph and second body , and the conclusion

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