John Locke and the Fight Over the Redwoods

Directions: Read case study 7.4 “The Fight Over the Redwoods” and “’This Habitable Earth of Ours’: Locke on Humanity in the

Environment.” (The case study is in your textbook. The essay on Locke is in the Chapter 7 folder under Additional Readings.”

See the link in the Ulearn menu.) Once you have finished reading both, write a 2-3 page paper in which you answer the

following question: What would John Locke say about the events described in the case study? Which party was in the right?

Note: I am asking about Locke’s opinion not yours. Your answer should demonstrate that you understand clearly the philosophy

of John Locke and can apply it to the facts of the case. Simply summarizing Locke’s philosophy or simply summarizing the facts

of the case is not enough.
It is all right if you exceed the 2-3 page limit. However, no paper should be more than 5 pages in length. Do not waste space

retyping the question or summarizing the article. Use the space allotted to answer the question. The paper should be written

as one, unified essay; it should not be written as the answer to a series of questions.
This paper should be written in your own words. Do not quote. You will be required, however, to cite (using MLA style) the

source of your information. You need to indicate the specific page when you cite. This paper must have a Works Cited page.
Do not use sources other than the two that I have assigned. Use of other sources will result in an F.
Plagiarism is never acceptable and will be punished.
Papers should be typed and double-spaced with standard margins. Do not leave gaps between paragraphs or divide your paper into

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subtopics. Use 12-point Times New Roman type (the same size and font used in these directions). Pages should be numbered and

stapled together. No cover page is required.

Papers will be graded based on the following criteria:
• Understanding of the :Locke’s theories and ability to apply them to the facts of the case
• Clarity and depth of discussion. Explain your answers. Provide examples.
• Organization and writing (including the presence of an introduction and a conclusion, sentence structure, grammar,

punctuation, word use, and spelling)
• Length and format

The case study 7.4 “The Fight Over the Redwoods”:“The+Fight+Over+the+Redwoods”&source=bl&ots=49wPpxH8Cj&si



“’This Habitable Earth of Ours’: Locke on Humanity in the Environment.”
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