journal 1 : intro & ch 1

journal 1 : intro & ch 1
The subject area is Public administration. the course is public policy analysis.
This is a weekly journal, I will request you every week. you have done a good job before this for another course with the same very demand professor. so I need you to read the scan copy of the book carefully then write a journal following the below.
1. List 10-15 public problems in society discussed by the texts(ch 1). You need to have items from both readings for the week(ch 1). The facts do not have to be listed in sentence format and better done with as few words as possible. You must include the author?s last name and the page number from where you selected the problem.
2. Describe in detail two of the problems that you listed in number 1. Explain why you selected these two from your list as the most important. Be descriptive in this section as you will be discussing the facts in more detail in the next section.
3. Discuss at least two causes for each problem. How did these problems develop? Why are they problems for society? You can take from the literature, the PowerPoint lectures. ( I will upload the lecture and PowerPoint later)
4. What are two courses of action that can be taken by government, business, and citizens to address these problems?

it is very important to follow all the instructions above.
The book going to read is:
Heineman, R.A., Bluhm, W.T., Peterson, S.A., & Kearny, E.N. (2001). The World of the Policy Analyst. 3rd ed. New York: Chatham House Publishers, Seven Bridges Press, LLC.

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