Journal Article Critic

Critique of a selected journal article on hospitality or tourism

Students are required to select a journal article and individually critique the article. The critique should identify and discuss the following 5 main topics:

1. What is the research problem?

2. What are the main objectives of the study and the author’s ideas, purpose and perspectives?

3. What are the propositions or research questions?

4. An examination of the article in relation to other similar topic literature.

5. Identify key weaknesses and strengths in the article based on

o A critical evaluation of the author’s argument(s), assumptions made by the author, and the main implications

• Are counter arguments given due consideration?

• Is the author objective?

• Are there any errors in logic?

• How convincing is the argument?

o A critical evaluation of the accuracy and relevance of evidence that is utilized in the article

• Is the evidence sufficient to support the argument(s)?

• Are there errors of fact or interpretation?

• Is any experimental or experiential evidence provided?

• How convincing is the evidence?

o A critical evaluation of clarity, rigor, and other aspects of the article

• Does the abstract provide an accurate representation of the article?

• Does the article exhibit the eight (8) characteristics of good research?

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