Journal entry

Watch The Last Lecture in its entirety… will be writing a journal entry about your thoughts regarding the video next


Journal Entries:
Each student will maintain a journal with their own reflections from the course and how it impacts their life personally

and professionally. Class reflection entries must be dated with at least one major entry per week during the first 6

weeks of class. The journal will be brought to each class period to help facilitate discussion.
Additionally, students are to research Herbert Blumer’s background and philosophy. Each week (starting with the first of

Blumer’s reflections) the student will enter their thoughts on one of the following statements:
The following is taken from The Social Reality of Death: Death in Contemporary America (Addison-Wesley, 1980:22-25), by

Kathy Charmaz (Sonoma State University), who is quoting Herbert Blumer. (See “Symbolic Interactionism as defined by

Herbert Blumer” in the resource section of v-space)
1. “Human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings that things have for them.” Meaning and action are

rationally linked when seen from the actor’s point of view.
2. “The meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of, the social interaction that one has with one’s

fellows.” This is an emergent, creative process
3. “These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the

things he/she encounters.” Meanings are taught, learned, and otherwise figured out, and often may shift and change.
4. Meanings are interpreted through shared language and communication.”As such, they vary from culture to culture, and

READ ALSO :   Title: Unit 6 assignment

within subcultures.
5. “The mediation of meaning in social interaction is distinguished by a continually emerging processural

nature.”Experience, maturity, and many social factors are part of this process. This class is part of that process.
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