Journal on A Canticle for Leibowitz

Journal on A Canticle for Leibowitz
Characteristics of a very good journal: ? Integrates personal observation and knowledge in an insightful way. ? Provides concrete examples from the readings to support observations and interpretations. ? Integrates prior readings. ? Uses parenthetical documentation (MLA style) to show how the text is being read and to document
sources. ? Shows tolerance and humility. ? Has correct spelling and grammar.
1. What do you make of Miller’s notion that religious inspiration can create a culture-saving alternative community?

2. A nuclear weapons engineer founds a new monastic order that preserves learning? He becomes canonized and a mutant carves his statue with a "wry smile"? And the face seems to remind Francis of the pilgrim in the desert? Why a wry smile? Is there something ironic about our civilization? That is, do we act like we know what all we’re doing when we really don’t?

3. If the world consisted only of liberal democracies, there would be little chance of war. But the world is not such a place. So the question remains, who’s in control?

4. What may we hope for and what do we need to do to bring it about? In your response, you may if you wish also make the grim case that there is no hope. There is no "proof" either way, of course, as in all things that are really important.

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