“Lady Like Lunches and Manly meals” – Jessamyn Neuhaus

“Lady Like Lunches and Manly meals” – Jessamyn Neuhaus

Gender binary vis-à-vis cooking. A dichotomy between the idea of a dainty meal and a hearty one.

Showcases the essence of the paper

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Entrenching the gender binary in eating and cooking. The notion that men and women cook and eat differently. Such views in magazines with primarily female readerships,

like Good Housekeeping, seemed to normalize these ideas in the minds of their readers. Examples of famous male food critics/magazine contributors (Byron MacFadyen and

Neo Nejelski) who discussed cooking from male perspectives such that it seemed to be “true” that male cooking was good and no nonsense. An idea endorsed by the popular

media and food writers of the era.

Introduces the notion of separation between the genders when it comes to eating and cooking. Sets up the binary that forms the crux of the argument.

73 (ii)
Cookbooks for men as more anecdotal and lifestyle centric as opposed to those for women. Cookbooks for women dealt more with instructions and procedures.  Practical

everyday manuals vs novelty items.

Cookery instructions for men mired in messages about gender and food. Establishes scope of such writing as extending beyond women’s magazines.

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The image of the man cooking showcases a clean and neat kitchen. The paraphernalia of “fussy” cooking is missing.

A photographic representation of male cooking to drive home the point.

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Men as having hearty appetites while women have finicky, less refined palates. Masculine superiority in the kitchen. Women as ignorant cooks while men understood

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cooking to be art.  Male cooking different from female everyday chore of cooking. Male cooking as special event vs female cooking as drudgery.

Defining women’s duties in the house vs. men. This paragraph works to show the impact of such instruction on gendering the notion of cooking itself.