Langston Hughes’ view of America

Langston Hughes’ view of America
1-Describe Langston Hughes’ view of America by examining two of these poems:
Madam and the Rent Man, I two Sing America, Mother to son. Also, why is this portrayal of African American controversial?

2-William Carlos William uses an “open” style and format called free verse in The Red Wheelbarrow and This is Just to Say. How is that different from poems that are more “constructed” like Richard Cory and My Popa’s Waltz? Why does Robert Frost say that “free verse is like playing tennis without a net”.

welfare state

an essay briefly summarizing and criticizing thaddeus Russells “how drunkards, whores, and the immoral shaped the nation. With these thoughts in mind: key topics that related to the struggle of workers for conditions more suitable to their interests (that sometimes don’t involve work); normal narratives about progress in U.S history and who is normally given credit for positive changes and freedoms that we now enjoy–what are Russells thoughts on these and a critique of your own thoughts.

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