
The Current Events Writing Assignments measure your interest and degree of engagement in the course materials and

classroom discussions by applying what you have learned to a current event. You will read any reputable newspaper article

(The Globe and Mail, Vancouver Sun, National Post, The Province) and clearly explain the legal issues that arise in the

article. You are limited to using ONLY the law discussed in your textbook. Other than the newspaper from where you found

the article, “DO NOT use any other outside sources”.

You will hand in two very short essays by the due date to be provided by your instructor. The assignment should not be

less than two pages and not exceed two and a half pages (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font). Each essay is marked

out of 10, although the weighted value for each is 5% of your mark for the term.

Your essay should incorporate the following:

• A brief summary of the current event you have selected.
• A discussion of the law that arises in the article.

Since these are short essays, you must write in complete sentences and paragraphs. No point form! As always, be sure to

properly cite the textbook and newspaper article when required. You will be expected to cite your sources using the MLA


Please notes that this assignment is in Canadian Law
· You must use the Canadian Law only

· You must use this textbook only: Smyth, Soberman, Easson & McGill, The Law and Business Administration in Canada, 13th

READ ALSO :   Adverse Possession

ed. (Toronto: Pearson, 2012).

· Please note that we have finished chapter 1,2,3and 4 only so please use the concepts in these chapters
· Please use only Canadian news.

Examples news

The Globe and Mail
Vancouver Sun
National Post
The Province

Canadian Laws
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