Leadership and clinical governance within healthcare

Assessment question:

• Critically discuss the standard 9 (attached), in relation to the case study presented (attached).

• In the assignment, you should consider how quality improvement practices, nursing leadership and nursing

management contribute to the quality and safety of patient care delivery.

• Search for appropriate literature governing body websites; NSQHS Standards (ACSQHC 2012); and national clinical

guidelines that draws on, is related to, or informs your Standard 9. For example, this literature could include research

studies that lead to the development of the standard, research showing improved quality of care since implementation of

the standard, or research showing improved patient outcomes following implementation of a clinical risk assessment tool

which includes; the Braden Scale, FRAT, Waterlow, Crusade Bleeding Risk Score, Australian Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool

(AUSDRISK) and the Alcohol Screen (AUDIT), or MET criteria

• Reflect upon and consider the case study information that was presented and use that as a stimulus and context

for the paper. Student should refer directly to aspects of the case study to illustrate their arguments.

• Reflect upon and critically discuss the role of the Registered Nurse in enacting clinical governance for the

delivery of high quality and safe patient care that promotes best patient outcomes.


 Case study: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/nsw/NSWNMPSC/2013/3.html

 National Standard 9 – Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration in Acute Health Care
Standard 9 is on page 60 http://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/NSQHS-Standards-Sept-2012.pdf

 NSQHS Standards

 Any relevant reviewed literature
Books you can use:

 Patient safety and healthcare improvement at a glance / edited by Sukhmeet S. Panesar, Andrew Carson-Stevens,

READ ALSO :   Management

Sarah A. Salvilla, Aziz Sheikh.

 Critical conversations for patient safety : an essential guide for health professionals / edited by Tracy

Levett-Jones ; foreword by Bruce Barraclough.

 Leadership & nursing : contemporary perspectives / John Daly, Sandra Speedy, Debra Jackson.
 Transitions in nursing : preparing for professional practice / Esther Chang, John Daly.

 http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/


Headings required.

Introduction – 200 words
b. Summary of the case – 300 words
c. Identification of key issues – 500-600 words
d. Critique – 500-600 words
e. Recommendations – 500-600 words
f. Conclusion – 200 words

Contain a purposeful introduction that outlines what will be discussed in the assignment. Brief mention of the case

ii. State you are going to talk about standard 9;
iii. Outline the approach of the paper (e.g. the order of the discussion)

In the body of the work, Include Summary of the case (not too detailed).
Identify the key issues arising from the case study.
Critique the decisions and actions of the health professionals in the case in relation to the key issues identified. The

discussion should be written in relation to standard 9 using relevant literature.
Consider and discuss appropriate clinical governance, leadership and management recommendations as potential measures to

ensure that future risk to patient safety is reduced. Use appropriate literature to substantiate the discussion.

The body of the assignment organized in paragraphs of approximately 100-150 words with each paragraph focused on

explanation of one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linked

arguments/points made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the


next paragraph.

The conclusion paragraph should not present any new material (references are not expected). The conclusion should provide

a summation of ideas that draws the discussion together and offers the student’s position drawn from the discussion.

Before submitting please check if you addressed this….

 Relevant literature selected and used to support discussion ☐
 Referencing style is accurate and consistent with style given ☐
 Essay is written, structured and presented according to instructions. ☐


Ensure to reference the case (HCCC v Jarrett, NSWNMPSC 2012) correctly. It is a citable source as it is a report from a

legal tribunal.

All new idea needs to be referenced accordingly. Number of references: 18 or above. Not older that 7 yrs.

Harvard Style

Author, Initials year, Title of book, edition/volume, Editor/Reviser/Translator/Compiler, Publisher, City.

Author, Initials year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers.

Author, Initials year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, volume number, issue number, page numbers of article, DOI

Author, Initials year, Title of webpage or document, Organisation responsible for site, date retrieved, <URL>.

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