Legal Advice

Legal Advice
Problem 1.
Angelina wants a divorce from Brad but moved from State A, where they lived together for three years, to State B, where she has been living for previous five months. What advice would you give regarding her domiciliary and residence for purposes of a divorce petition? What else would you need to know about State B’s laws? Explain

Problem 2.
Tom has come to your law office to discuss his wife’s abuse. Tom and Katie have been married for five years. He claims that she belittles him at every opportunity with name calling and humiliating statements. Tom says this caused him to consult with a counselor, with whom he felt a strong connection emotionally. The result was that Tom had an affair with his counselor, but he blames Katie for those events. What grounds for divorce and potential defenses could each bring against the other and why? Discuss their likelihood of success.

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