Legal Issues

Legal Issues

study the blog created by “Hedgetrimmer”, regarding public private partnerships.

1. The author asserts that public private partnerships (PPP’s) are leading us to “soft-fascism.” Define your terms and indicate if he makes a compelling argument for his proposition. Support your position with your knowledge of PPP’s.
2 .Does the author make his case that PPP’s are linked to sustainable development? Give examples of PPP’s you know of that are or are not cases of sustainable development.
3. Given the author’s concerns about PPP’s can contract provisions protect against the fascist state arising out of partnerships? What provisions would you use and why?
4. How are the police power and the tax power relevant to the author’s notion of “governance”? In the author’s opinion do PPP’s co-opt the control of the police power and the tax power? What do you think?

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