
read John Logan’s play Red (from this link
watch Woody Allen’s film Bullets Over Broadway( not the musical but the actual film by woody allen)
please actually watch both because some writers are just look through wikipedia and change the words from it, please don’t do that 🙂 (because you

have to reference specific moments from each work to prove your points*)
Answer the following prompt in at least three full paragraphs. You will be graded on clarity, thoroughness and innovation.
in both John Logan’s play Red and Woody Allen’s film Bullets Over Broadway, the artist/audience relationship- and all of the responsibilities

attached to each role- is explored through dramatic storytelling. Discuss how Bullets Over Broadway compares and contrasts to Red in its exploration

of the artist/audience relationship.
>>Pay specific attention to the artist’s focus on his/her responsibility to remain authentic to himself/herself throughout his/her art-making

process and how that might come into conflict when considering the audience’s reception of his/her art.
*You must reference specific moments from each work to prove your points*

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