
Questions or Theme topic: Making use of the Social-Epistemic readinr model, horv is the rvorldview presented in the Nava_jo creation account different froni..r,hat you understand the Genesis rvorldvierv to be?
Be sure to expiain your understanding of the Navajo rvorldvierv before discussing simiiarities and
dilferences betu,een the trvo texts. In part folir of 1’our paper. reconsider Genesis as creation via
arangement. That is, il’God is a great arralrger rather than a creator trom nothing (as outlined in
‘rhe Navajo account), rvhat is the moral iesson fcr human beings? That is, u,hat is the appropnate
rnodel of behavior for human beings? As you read and rvrite. consider the relationship betrveen
ihe created (both human and nonhuman) and the creator? Follorv the outline suppiied in the
rveekly therne assigrment sheet to stmcture your reading and analysis.

Please :Read the question careful and outline the questions being asked.
Read the texts. This is a literature course. You need tobe analyzing and responding to the text.
You are not to be summarizing the lectures or Wikipedia.

First file: “Writing an Analysis of Literature” just read it and do what it say.

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