Lu Xun: Diary of a Madman

Using ideas from two different original works. Discuss how these two works express freedom between the individual and the state or culture. The thesis that you select to argue regarding the question of nationalism is of your own making. YOU select the exact focus for your major thesis statement. This is not a compare/contrast essay, rather you are using the two literary works to perform an analysis that shows how the work deals with issues of nationalism such as we have explored this semester.

1. Lu Xun: Diary of a Madman
2. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Notes from the Underground
3. Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart 1597

You will be referencing background readings from the text or from the links that we have provided. If you are going to define a term, use the links for literary terms that are provided in the class. NEITHER ESSAY IS A RESEARCH PAPER.
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