Manage Export Logistics and International Freight Transfer Australia

Manage Export Logistics and International Freight Transfer Australia

Dangerous goods compatibility

(1) Can you transport a Class 4.2 spontaneously combustible good with a Class 5.1 oxidizing agent in a road vehicle or freight container?
(2) Can you mix a Class 9 miscellaneous dangerous good with a class 5.2 organic peroxide shipment?
(3) What is a Dangerous Goods Class 6.2 known as?

Selecting the transport type

MRBGS Logistics have received the following orders for consignments that you have been
allocated responsibility for managing:
• A 3–tonne consignment of ball bearings from a factory in Moorebank, NSW, to a manufacturing facility in Pusan, South Korea
• A 10-tonne consignment of beef from Lismore, NSW, to a meat wholesaler in Lyon, France
• A consignment of 20 tractors from a Sydney agricultural products manufacturing to a farming company in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

You have been asked by each customer for advice on what type of transport they should use?

(1) Consider all factors as described in previous pages of this Learner Guide and decide which mode of transport you would recommend using at this stage and write a rationale for your decision in the space required in the chart below.
Recommended Transport Type Rationale for selection

(2) Give some examples of circumstances which would influence you to send the consignment using another type of transport?

Capacity and Capability

1. For the consignments in Activity 1, what types of criteria would you consider to make a judgement on the capability and capacity of different carriers you are dealing with (Rail, Road, Air and Sea)?

2. What type of load (FCL or LCL,) would you use and why?

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Consolidating Loads

Answer the following questions about consolidating the consignments you assessed the capability and capacity for in Activity

1. If all of the goods were going to the same destination, would you consider consolidating the three loads into the same container?
2. Please explain the rationale behind your response?
Getting it from A to B via C and D

1. Assuming that the delivery dates for the consignments in Activity 1 are in 60 days, 30 days and 90 days respectively for the ball bearings, beef and tractor consignments, select what you think is the most appropriate route to get the goods from their pick up point to their destination?
Remember to investigate alternative routes which may involve transhipments and that the most direct route may not necessarily be the best route?

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