
It has 3 campuses in south-east London and north Kent. It is the largest university in London by student numbers (app. 24,000) and the greenest in the UK in 2012 as assessed by The People & Planet Green League. Since 2010, the university is constantly ranked #1 in terms of student satisfaction across all 20 listed universities in London.
Explore a range of technologies that are used all over the world to perform the class attendee’s registration on a semi or fully automated basis.

The objectives of the project are to:
1. Describe in detail three state-of-art student semi or fully automated registration technologies, compare their advantages and disadvantages in-between as well as with existing university registration procedure;

2. Carry out cost-effective analysis and propose how much it will cost to implement top-two preferred semi or fully automated registration technologies at the School of Engineering & Science at Medway (based on type of the selected technologies, total number of teaching rooms, support staff and maintenance costs should considered).

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