
The textbook talks about many types of “change.” Here is a list of many of the “types”: first order, second order, anticipatory, reactive, adaptive, tuning, adaptation, reorientation, recreation, midroad, tectonic, incremental, transformational, downsizing, technological, mergers and acquisitions. It is all quite overwhelming, really. Our goal this week is to gain clarity and understanding of the differences among the types of changes.

1. Consider the company you have selected (Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp.) and discuss a recent change which has occurred at that organization.

2. Pick which “type” of change you would say that change was, and why.

3. Utilize the start for analyzing the theory of the change. Explain the theory of the change.
4. Do you agree with the change which the company has decided to take?
CLASS…Chapter 4 introduces a section called lessons from the front line (p. 99 attached for question 5-6) that describes three common changes likely to face managers: downsizing, implementation of a new technology, and a merger or acquisition.

5. Based on your experience or observations, provide an example of a change in either one of these categories or another and describe how “challenges” related to that change were manifested. (pg 99)

6. Were the challenges managed well? Not so well? (pg 99)
The Green Mountain Resort case is a perfect one for us to work together as a class on the different images for change and how they are reflected (or could have been reflected) in that case. We will cover multiple facets of this throughout the week but to start, let’s talk about the role that Gunter plays in our case study this week.

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This case study shows that using different images and perspectives of change can open our eyes to new ideas and different ways of looking at the same issues. There is clearly merit in looking for advice in different fields of study, i.e., looking outside the hospitality literature to the change management literature and drawing on the advice of experts from different areas. Change comes with a number of underlying assum9ptions and these affect the ways in which we deal with the process of change. By acknowledging those assumptions and looking for other ways to interpret the same issues, alternative ways of managing change can be developed.

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