Managing Community Organizations

There is two parts to the assignment:

Part one is a book review {Brother,J. and Sherman, A (2012). Building nonprofit capacity. ISBN 978-0470907771}. and it’s FOUR

pages. I would like you to give an overall description, cite the major points with illustrative examples, critique the

content, and indicate how you will use what you learned.

Part two is TEN pages, typed, double spaced on standard size paper (8.5 x 11 inches)with margins of 1 inch on all sides and

use TIMES NEW ROMAN 12 point font. All citations need to be in APA style.

Develop a statement expressing what it is you would like to investigate and why this is important and relevant
ie:Financial Management,Grant Writing, Fundraising and Development,Media Management,Entrepreneurship,Partnerships &

Collaborations, Branding and MArketing, Presentation skills, Strategic Planning, Effecting Change, Organizational

Effectiveness, Government Relations Nonprofits, Assessment and Evaluation, Leadership in Managing Change, Capacity Building,

Cultural Competency, Compliance Management, Events Planning, Human Resources

using all resources develop a paper to respond to the needs statement

Preface Part Two of the paper with the NEEDS STATEMENT and Identify the general area of exploration.
(the professor will be looking particularly for how comprehensively for how the question/needs is answered.

asses your own strength and weakness:

What you found out about nonprofit management

What you need to know in order to take the next step in your professional growth, and (where applicable)

What you need to do to improve your organization. ( A particularly helpful guide in the self- analysis process is Part Five of

the Drucker book , Managing Nonprofit Organization ISBN 0060851147)
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