Many important questions in cultural studies concern the place of the work of art in contemporary culture. In your essay, discuss three or more examples of a creative work* that appear(cont in order dis) What do these examples seem to be saying about art

Many important questions in cultural studies concern the place of the work of art in contemporary culture. In your essay, discuss three or more examples of a creative work* that appear(cont in order dis) What do these examples seem to be saying about art
Many important questions in cultural studies concern the place of the work of art in contemporary culture. In your essay, discuss three or more examples of a creative work* that appear in the readings from class (please note that I am asking about examples in the readings, not the readings themselves) . What do these examples seem to be saying about the place of art in our culture? What fears or anxieties do you see operating in these examples, as they appear in the work in question?

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