Maritime Emergency Respone in Mexico

Maritime Emergency Respone in Mexico

Mexico is required by the international conventions, such as for example UNCLOS, SOLAS, the SAR Convention, MARPOL, and the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response adn Co-Operation to create systems to respond to emrgencies. Primarly these are intended to protect sea farers and environment from consequences of accidents and incidents, to prevent drowning and pollution.

This assignment aims at providing a comprenhensive picture of national emergency reponse preparedness based on current knowledge of national and data available, in the form of an essay. Questions that should be covered in the essay include:

1.-How big is the problem of maritime emergencies and drowning in Mexico?
-casualty figures (inland and at sea), with references and reflections on validity and accuracy

2,-How do you percieve the risks of environmental risks related to maritime activities, including oil prospecting off shore/coastal
-with refrence where possible

3,-How has your coubtry organized to meet the requirements of the above stated obligations?
-Include conventions signed, organozations, capacity, capability, and reflections in relation to legislation

4.How can capacity and capbility be enhanced?
-Are there obvious gaps in the structure, are all stakeholders from merchant ships, through oil rigs, to artesanal fisherman covered by the system, what could be sone better?

5.As a consequence to above, what can be done to improve the preparedness to act on emergencies related to water- inland as well as off-shore

Focus u=in the Maritime eergency response issues facing in Mexico. Important is to base youir reflections on available knowledge, with refrences, and make sure that your argumentation is grounden in the reality as you see it. The effective managemnetof assets and organozation is a responsability for those in charge of maritimesafety and environmental administration. We want you to include this perspective in your essay, and argue why, at the expense of what, and how to manage the assets effectively.

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