

1-1 Discussion: Getting Started At the start of this course, it is important to familiarize yourself with your classmates, the learning outcomes of our course, and our course environment. This will help you build a plan and support system to successfully complete your assignments. For this discussion, review the course syllabus and our course outcomes and then create a post that addresses the following topics:
1. Provide a short introduction of yourself to your peers and instructor. What personal or professional experiences have you encountered that are related to the general topics of this course?
2. After reviewing the course outcomes, what do these outcomes mean to you? How are these outcomes relevant to your own personal/professional experiences and interests?
3. After reviewing the course syllabus and the Module One resources, select an additional online news article, professional organization, web resource, or web video that is relevant to the topics of Module One. What does this resource have to do with the general themes of Module One? What can you and your peers learn from this resource as it relates to the topics of this course? Make sure that you are citing this resource using the appropriate citation guidelines recommended in this course.

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