
Question 1 (Case one)

Use the Brand Report Card to evaluate one of your favourite brands. Also, the article The Female Economy makes a compelling argument about the importance of female consumers. How can marketers provide better value to a female target market?

The Brand Report Card by Kevin Lane Keller
The Female Economy by Michael J. Silverstein & Kate Sayre

Question 2 (Case two)

How are value propositions different in business markets compared to consumer markets? Also using the concepts in Getting Brand Communities Right, describe some brand communities that you belong to or participate in.

Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets by James C. Anderson, James A. Narus, & Wouter van Rossum
Getting Brand Communities Right by Susan Fournier & Lara Lee

Question 3 (Case three)

According to The One Number You Need to Grow, what is the most important metric to measue success with respect to marketing? Also, the article Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing speaks of both how the jobs are different and how they fit together. If you were designing a job ad for both a sales position and a marketing position, how would the job ads differ?

The One Number You Need to Grow by Frederick F. Reichheld
Ending the War Between Sales and Marketing by Philip Kotler, Neil Rackham, & Suj Krishnaswamy

Form Question:
The article Marketing Myopia was written several decades ago. How is the main message of the article relevant today? What is the main lesson learned from Marketing Malpractice?

Two article
Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt
Marketing Malpractice by Clayton M. Christensen, Scott Cook, & Taddy Hall
(Can search from Internet)
The key things that professor looking for is solid evidence that you’ve read the articles and reflected on what these articles teach us about marketing.
Course Description

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Business 416 builds on the fundamental concepts and theories covered in BUS 141/341, and is designed to integrate and apply those concepts and theories to real situations using the case method and through practice. Marketing is highly integrated with theother key functions of business –finance, human resources, operations management, and accounting. It is important that you have a solid understanding of these functional areas to enable you to fully integrate what you have learned into the cases used in the course.The primary outcomes for this course are to develop and apply your understanding of marketing and its process. Specifically, the outcomes are:
1. to integrate marketing concepts with other business functions and apply this knowledge to business case problems;
2. to build your skills in the areas of analysis, problem solving, and decision making as it relates to marketing and business issues; and
3. to gain valuable skills in the areas of business writing, presentations, team work, communications, and research.
As a future business person, it is critical that you have the skills to lead and develop business initiatives. You will develop skills related to critical thinking, business writing and presentations, decision making, teamwork, and public speaking. The course will incorporate case work, written assignments, team work, and class participation that will enable you to develop and hone those skills.
This is a very self-directed course and is reading and writing intensive. The purpose of this is to provide students with an opportunity for “deliberate practice” with respect to identifying key business issues, using marketing concepts to solve problems, reflecting on key marketing issues, effectively reading, and persuasive writing.
Text: Harvard Business Review’s 10 Must Reads: Strategic Marketing
(Note: All of these article can be found —albeit sometimes with difficulty —online.

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