Media Analysis Paper

For this assignment you will write a short paper that provides a critical analysis on a topic based on a form of mass media. The paper is worth 35% of your total grade. You must select a topic from the list below.
1. Newspapers –
Due to the growth and prevalence of internet news sources, many print newspapers have gone under in recent years. In your paper, discuss the effect that new media has had on the print newspaper industry. Is the newspaper dead? Or will it find a new niche market? What is the role of print news media in today’s society?

2. Radio – Consider the relevance of radio in today’s society. What is the current state of radio, and what lies in the future for radio? Answer this question focusing on one of the following topics: music, news, or public radio.

3. Television – There are many types of television available today. In your paper, analyze two of the four types listed below and discuss their similarities, differences, and how those differences affect content: Network television (ABC, NBC, etc.); Cable television (Bravo, MTV, etc.); premium channels (HBO, Showtime, etc.); and internet television providers (Hulu, Netflix).
° Example: Network television vs. cable television
° Example: Premium channels vs. internet television providers

4. Film – Recently, the highest-grossing films at the box office are super-hero and comic book adaptations. In your paper, make an argument as to why you think this new trend exists in the current film industry. What impact do you think this common narrative has on our culture? Try to touch on recurring themes, archetypes, etc. in these films. Make sure to include one paragraph about the recent history of the film industry as it relates to this topic.

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5. Global Media – Based on our understanding of US media in this class, choose one medium in another country (eg. film in China, radio in Africa, etc.) to analyze based on its cultural relevance. Include a brief history as well as the current state and potential future of the medium.

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