medical ethics

medical ethics

Dr. Jane Doe is a physician who inappropriately accessed one of the patients medical records whom she has not any relevant clinical relationship with (HIPAA Violation). She also fabricated her false radiology report (chest x-ray) using the names of two other physicians (one is as ordering physician and second as a reading physician) as part of the attempt to fabricate the false radiology report for her personal use. Dr. Doe took her previous normal X-ray and taped it over hospital letter head. Dr. Doe stated she was suffering from infertility issues for many years and had undergone multiple IVF (in-vitro fertilization) treatments without success. She was scheduled to have an upcoming IVF cycle and heard from her friend about a patient in the hospital who had infertility issues and who delivered twins prematurely and died from complications of fertility treatments/labor. Dr. Doe was afraid about the same fate and accessed patients medical records for her own benefit due to her fear of death and anxiety. Dr. Doe did not want to be exposed to radiation prior to procedure and used hospital letter head to create a false radiology report of her chest (chest x-ray). Deceased patients husband was informed of Dr. Does actions by the hospital.
Based on this scenario, please, complete the following 4 assignments. Each of the readings are to be completed in their entirety, and your essays must clearly demonstrate you have done so in order to successfully complete the course.

1. On behalf of Dr. Doe, write a letter of apology to the husband of the deceased patient whose medical record was inappropriately accessed. The letter must explain what Dr. Doe did, why she did it and clearly demonstrate a sincere appreciation for the emotional harm Dr. Does actions must have caused the husband given that he was informed of Dr. Does actions by the hospital. The letter must clearly demonstrate an understanding of reading #5 below (Pellegrino) and the relevant principles set forth in the AMA and APAs codes of ethics.
2. Write an essay that discusses the consequences to the patient-physician relationship and to patient health if the public became aware of Dr. Does violation of patient privacy, and as result believed that physicians do not respect patient privacy. The essay must apply the theories and principles contained in the required readings and be a minimum of three (3) single-spaced pages.
3. Write an essay that discusses the values and professional ethics of the medical profession that were breached when Dr. Doe fabricated a false radiology report and used the names of two other physicians as part of her attempt to fabricate the false radiology report. The essay must apply the theories and principles contained in the required readings (with specific reference to the AMA and APAs codes of ethics) and be a minimum of three (3) single-spaced pages.
4. You are asked to provide recommendations for Dr. Doe in terms of her professionalism and maintaining her professional boundaries. Write an essay in which you define and discuss:
a) Professionalism with specific reference to maintaining professional boundaries for Dr. Doe in the face of her personal stressors and
b) Professional integrity with specific reference to Dr. Doe taking responsibility for her actions after committing an act of unprofessional conduct.
The essay is to include a specific description of how Dr. Doe will incorporate professionalism and professional integrity into her daily practice. The essay must apply the theories and principles contained in the required readings and be a minimum of three (3) single-spaced pages.

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