Medicine and Health

As a consultant in the health sector you have been asked to undertake an assessment of Australia’s national health information system. You have been asked to use the Health Information System Rapid Assessment Tool (see attachment 1).

Your task:

1. Familiarise yourself with the assessment tool (which is available as an attachment to this document).
2. Undertake an assessment of Australia’s health information system by working your way through the questions in each of the components within the assessment tool. You will need to provide a yes or no response in each of the columns for Present, Functioning, Adequate, and Sustainable. In order to answer these questions you will need to undertake research to find sources that support your claims.
3. You will need to compile a list of references as you progress to assist in supporting your claims. Utilise the reference(s) in support of claim column to indicate the references that supports the assessment. It is likely that one reference may support a number of questions in the tool.
4. Once the assessment is done, you then need to provide a report that:
a. Summarises and prioritises the key areas for improvement.
b. Identify strategies for improvement.
c. Identify agencies/groups/committees that will need to take on the responsibility for the improvements.
d. Establish a broad timeline for the areas for improvement.

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