Medicine and Health

Medicine and Health
below you will find a link that contain article research that you must have to summarise it, but don`t forget to support it by another extra three academic articles
link :

please read the instruction carefully …..

Instruction for Tutorial

You need to write a summary of a research article (that you have searched for and retrieved from a health and medical database) from a professionally relevant MRS journal. This summary must contain:

Journal article citation details The name of the database you searched and the key words you used for your search

(3_5 sentences) which provides a concise description of the background and context of the study. You need to reference at least one other research study that supports the background to the study you are summarising. A clear statement of the purpose of the study you are summarising is then provided.

The research design and method (e.g. data collection method, sample, data analysis metho) used in the study you are summarising to investigate the problem or issue (3‐4 sentences).

The results of the study are provided – what are the key findings from the data analysis in the study you are summarizing (3‐8 sentences).

Discussion –
The results of the study you are summarising are interpreted in relation to what they mean for this study and in relation to other published results. You need to find at least two other research study (yes in addition to the one in the introduction) (3_5 sentences). You must include in your discussion at least one key discussion point that is supported by two references

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Conclusion –
Finally, present a concise answer to the research question that the study you are summarising addressed, and if possible identify e.g. recommendations about policy, practice or further research.
Reference list –
Contains minimum of 4 articles (the article you are summarising plus the three additional articles you cite in your summary) formatted in the two appropriate referencing styles

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