Meeting Report

For this assignment, you will attend one public meeting dealing with local government and write a short (800-1,000-word) report

describing your experience. The goal here is to have you see and hear local government in action – taking note of the issues, actors,

processes and outcomes

Your report (not an essay) should address the following questions:

• What group met (and why)?

• Who was in attendance at the meeting?
• Councillors, staff, members of the public, etc.

• What significant items (in your view) were discussed or debated at the meeting?

• What was the outcome of the discussion?
• Were any decisions made?
• What were they?

• How would you describe the process?
• Was is calm, orderly and relatively efficient?
• Was it noisy, chaotic or angry?
** I went to the meeting on January 29 (Meeting 2), The meeting was calm, orderly and relatively efficient; no argue, no angry….
• If your view, how does this meeting relate to local government?
• Does it address specific institutions or processes of government?
• Does it deal with municipal infrastructure or services?

You may structure your report in any way you choose. However, you may wish to begin with a brief overview of the setting (one or two

paragraphs) before outlining the framework of your paper. Section headings are welcome, but please don’t overuse them.

It may also be useful to research the meeting or topics to be discussed before and after the meeting. This could help you understand

the issues and process more clearly, and provide additional details for your report. Scholarly or academic sources are not required


here – you will more likely find useful information from news articles, magazines or other current affairs publications. Depending on

the source (as well as length of article and depth of detail), you shouldn’t need more than four or five additional resources. You may

also make use of any course readings you find relevant for this assignment.
Please double-space your report, use 12-point font with one-inch margins and number your pages. You are free to choose the citation

style of your choice, so long as you use it consistently and accurately. As well, your report should have a cover page with a title, as

well as your name, student number, my name, the course code and the date.
Possible meetings include (but are not limited to):

• City or regional council meetings;
• Community council meetings;
• Council committee meetings;
• Special purpose body meetings (agencies, boards, commissions); and
• Governance-based citizen or non-governmental groups (with advance permission)

Council meetings can be much longer and broader-reaching than more narrowly focused committees or other groups. For example, Toronto

city council meetings occur over a period of two or three days each month. For this assignment, you are expected to attend and observe

either one full meeting of a non-council group, or two to three hours of a city council meeting.