Methods final(1)

Methods final(1)
Instructions: Please answer all parts of all questions, but do not exceed the recommended answer
lengths. I want you to be parsimonious and precise. Use the link
in the folder for the final exam to turn in the exam.
1. Why, specifically, is random assignment crucial for ensuring the internal validity of experiments? If a
researcher cannot randomly assign, what should he/she do to protect the experiment’s internal validity?
(No more than one paragraph, 2 points)
2. Describe how maturation can significantly affect the internal validity of a “before-and-after” quasiexperiment.
Why are these quasi-experiments particularly vulnerable to maturation effects? (2 or 3
sentences, 2 points)
3. Why is the inclusion of mid-points controversial in survey research? What are the pros and cons of
including mid-points? (No more than one paragraph, 2 points)
4. What is a double barreled question, and why are these questions problematic in survey research?
Give an example of a double barreled question. (1 or 2 sentences, 2 points)
5. How do “double blind” procedures help researchers minimize the ways in which the
expectations of the research staff can threaten an experiment’s internal validity? (1 or 2
sentences, 2 points)
6. In our department, we are trying to assess the role that online courses should play in our curriculum.
We hear lots of good things and lots of bad things about online courses. Students seem to like the
convenience of online classes, but also complain that they are sometimes poorly organized, and that
some of them not rigorous at all. For the last five points of this exam, I would like you to give me your
honest impressions of online course at UNF generally, and in the sociology department specifically. Talk
about whether or not you think people learn as much in online courses as they would in a face-to-face
course. Tell me what your friends say about online classes. Tell me what other professors say.
Personally, I am ambivalent about online teaching, so I’m interested in your honest, unvarnished
opinion. The more information you provide, the better it will help us determine how and to what extent
we should be offering our curriculum online. There are no right answers, and I’m not going to be
perturbed by anything you have to say. This is your chance to make an impact on how online education
is offered and administered at UNF.

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