Micro economics

Micro economics

1. With reference to the UK economy for the period of 1st January 2011 to 30th September 2012, discuss whether the ‘double dip’ recession, in your view, is over or not. Ensure that you critically discuss both sides of the debate and limit your answers from the perspective of economics.

2. a) What are the principal categories of unemployment.

b) In the UK unemployment rate rose above its long-term average to

exceed 6% in the period after October 2008. Giving reasons, discuss

whether you think unemployment rates of this magnitude are

important or not.

c) Critically review what this long-term unemployment

has done to the economy and how has it impacted on the society.

d) should reducing unemployment be a

priority of the UK government and what types of policies or

incentives can the UK government introduce to reduce


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