Mikes Bikes Paper

Mikes Bikes Paper

Go to www.smartsims.com and login with your personal login details:
Login: almus002
Password: mw8zcg3

Question prompts for students for Mike’s Bikes:
1. Explain which price/volume strategy you selected and why you selected that strategy.

2. Considering the strategy you selected, explain if you were successful or not, using the Toulmin model to justify your answer. This 2-minute video (http://screencast.com/t/qbgfoGybv8) explains how to structure your response using this method. A thoughtful and complete response to this question will also use the report you included in question 5, as evidence of your claim.

3. Reflecting on your experience with Mike’s Bikes, what is the MOST important thing you learned? Explain why you picked this.

4. Which resource do you find most helpful (manual, video, friend, TA, etc.) in becoming more informed about the single-player simulation? Briefly explain why.

5. Include a report from Mike’s Bikes about your firm to help support your response to question 2. Any report needs to cover 5 years. For example, you could include the Income Statement (History) or the Balance Sheet (History) report. Or, if you use a report that only has one year of data (like Decisions), then you will need to include all 5 years of that report. You could use the “snipping tool”, Or you can take a screenshot, Then paste it as an image into your Word document. Make sure the picture is big enough that I can read what it says.

# Where to find Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cashflows in Mike’s Bikes: http://screencast.com/t/8rzEb84dd

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# Two reports helpful in comparing your firm to the computer in Mike’s Bikes for the most recent time period: http://screencast.com/t/rAYexg9pRj