Military sciences Crisis Action Plan

Military sciences Crisis Action Plan

Project description

Submit a 7 to 10 page scenario paper in which you make up a scenario, that requires planning for a possible military response. The scenario may require either the use of force or be humanitarian in nature. Use the vignette on page III-4 of JP 5-0 (located in the Course Materials section) as an example of an initial scenario.
Then go through each phase of the Crisis Action Planning cycle and BRIEFLY discuss the issues you would address in each phase relative to your scenario. The content of the scenario is not very important except as a demonstration of your understanding of the planning PROCESS by applying it to your scenario. You do not need to go into much depth with this short of a paper, and you may fabricate objectives from the National Command Authority, etc. as needed to move through your scenario.
For example, if your scenario is that Iran has just successfully tested a nuclear bomb, that would be part of the Situation Development Phase. In the Course of Action (COA) Development Phase, possible COA’s may vary from precision bombing of suspected nuclear production facilities to precision bombing of all command and control elements to strategic air strikes combined with the use of ground forces to occupy territory. Then you could discuss criteria for evaluating the validity of each COA. Identify major players and actions in each step of the process through the Execution Phase on a very general level.
On format, double-space your paper in Arial or Times New Roman 10 or 12 font with standard 1-inch margins. Do not skip lines between paragraphs and include a reference or bibliography page in APA format with at least three sources. Internet sources are acceptable but NOT Wikipedia. Do not include the separate title page or references / bibliography page in your page count and cite your sources within the text following APA format (NOT footnotes). Cite JP 5-0, the Joint Staff Officer’s Guide, and any outside sources you might use, such as articles on potential enemies used in your scenario, etc.

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