
this week we are looking at two true story movies that highlight some important personality traits of

Entrepreneurs. Both films feature characters that have less than ideal starting points to reach their life’s goal.

The two movie for this round are

1.Rudy (click here for purchase on Amazon)
A true story of an undersized underdog to play on the Notre Dame football team.

2. The Pursuit of Happiness (click here for instant viewing, or here for purchase on Amazon)
Another true story with a happy ending.

General Instructions:

Please pick one of the movies for your review. I still suggest watching both movies to see for which one you

can find the better answers. If you have already seen the movie, I suggest you watch it again.
Your review should be a minimum of 600 words.
Please post your paper as a .pdf document before the due date. All late documents will lose significant points

as we are discussing the assignment shortly after they are due.
Include a title page that states your name and the chosen movie.
You may watch the movie with other classmates and discuss some of the ideas (I recommend this), but the paper

should ultimate showcase your own position. If you use quotes, parts or any other sources in your review, you must

cite them in detail and in quotation marks containing the exact text you are contributing.
Specific Instructions:

Both stories are tales of “perseverance” against overwhelming odds. What were the coping mechanisms or

motivations the main character uses to keep going even when the success of their venture seemed getting further and

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further away?
Ultimately, they prevail for themselves in reaching their goal, but how did they interact with others? Do you

think they make appropriate use of the connections they made along the way, do they network well? If you think they

have used the help of others in a smart way, describe how and what you can learn from it. If you don’t think they

did well, what would you advise them to do better to get to where they wanted to be easier, faster.
Overall, was it worth for both characters to fight? Do a moment of research and explore where your character is

currently in real life? Did the experience help them lead better life’s? No right or wrong answer here, just your

personal observation.
What key business lesson did you learn from the movie? Name two. Are they specific to the movie plot or do you

think they apply to many entrepreneurial situations?
If you have to Tweet about the movies lesson for an aspiring entrepreneur, what would be your 140 character
